Wild Wallet – The most powerful app to Make Money Online & Get Amazing Rewards.
▌ Wild Wallet - The most powerful Android App to Make Money Online and Get Amazing Rewards.
▌In our App you can get free PayPal Cash & Awesome Gift Cards
► How It Works:
- Login with a verified Facebook or Google+ account
- Use many of our hot offers to earn Credits
- Use the Credits to redeem any of our rewards
► How to get Credits?
- Install and run the latest free apps & games
- Complete a quick free surveys & donation offers
- Watch sponsors videos
- Invite your friends to install “ Wild Wallet ” through the social networks
- Get your everyday bonus for visiting our App
♥♥♥ Follow us on:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/app.wildwallet
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wildwallet
▌Attention! It is prohibited to do the following:
- Using VPN or bots to get unauthorized access to the app
- Using multiple account with one device
- Using multiple devices with one account
- All spam`s methods of advertising your invitation code
If you try to do the abovementioned your access to the app will be terminated without the prior notification.
▌It is acceptable to use Wild Wallet with all other reward apps.
But be sure that you are downloading different apps from all the above mentioned applications. In other case you will not get the reward.
▌Do not hesitate and Start your Wild Wallet adventure right now!
▌Attention! All users of our app, do not place your invitation code in Reviews on the page of our application or any other application page in Google Play!
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